Municipal administrators, navigating the complexities of local governance, require a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted responsibilities inherent in the role. That’s why the Manitoba Municipal Administrators (MMA) Competency Framework is an indispensable tool for both aspiring and seasoned professionals in the field. This framework meticulously outlines the key skills, knowledge areas, and behaviors necessary to excel in municipal administrator roles, providing a roadmap for professional development and success.
In addition to being a self-evaluation tool, the MMA Competency Framework can support and promote excellence in administration by delineating the core competencies essential for effective performance within local government contexts. The framework not only guides recruitment, training, and performance evaluation processes but also helps to foster a culture of excellence and accountability. With the MMA Competency Framework as a guide, the profession and practice of municipal administrators is grounded in the essential expertise and capabilities needed to serve our communities with integrity, efficiency, and foresight.
The MMA framework builds on the work of other similar frameworks established by other associations, municipal corporations, and public sector agencies. In particular, this framework was informed by the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario’s (AMCTO) Municipal Management Definition of Practice document. While the MMA Competency Framework is robust and comprehensive, it is not complete, and it is not perfect. This first version is only a start. The MMA Executive Council has approved this document by adopting MEM-004 MMA Competency Framework Policy. Within this policy are provisions for regular reviews of the framework and a system to promote its continuous improvement. Just like the administrators it guides and supports, the Competency Framework must evolve and respond to the changing needs of local government administration.