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Professional Code of Conduct

The Manitoba Municipal Administrators exists to build the skills and capacities of our members and to promote excellence in the professional administration of municipalities in Manitoba.

Professional municipal administrators are public servants, and must uphold high ethical and professional standards, with a duty of care to the citizens and other stakeholders they serve. To fulfil this public trust, professional municipal administrators are accountable to:

  • the public;
  • their Employers or Clients;
  • each other; and
  • their professional association.

The following standards establish clear guidelines for behaviour and provide a framework for decision-making which helps to ensure that our stakeholders can trust and rely on MMA Members to act in a responsible and ethical manner.

Members owe a duty of care to the public.

A Member shall:

  1. promote and support effective and democratic municipal government through professional management;
  2. affirm the dignity and worth of local government services and maintain a deep sense of social responsibility as a trusted public servant;
  3. fulfill their responsibilities and carry out their duties to the best of their abilities;
  4. demonstrate integrity and the highest standards of ethical behaviour;
  5. promote community well-being;
  6. ensure the community is informed on municipal matters and promote appropriate community engagement in decision-making;
  7. advise and support elected officials, and fulfill their duties in a politically impartial manner;
  8. carry out their duties fairly and impartially; serving in the interests of all citizen.

Members owe a duty of care to their Employers and Clients

A Member shall:

  1. shall not leverage their position for personal gain or benefit;
  2. uphold the letter and spirit of the law;
  3. provide high quality advice, analysis, and public policy proposals which are based in fact, use leading practices, and are technically sound;
  4. behave in a manner that promotes the integrity and reputation of their employer or client;
  5. ensure they fulfill the responsibilities of their position without interference, political or otherwise, resisting any encroachment on their professional responsibilities;
  6. honour and be responsive to the rights and needs of others.

Members owe a duty of care to other MMA members.

A Member shall:

  1. be respectful of Members, peers, and colleagues;
  2. refrain from undermining, causing malicious injury too, or supplanting of, another member;
  3. promote adherence of all Members to this Professional Code of Conduct.

Members owe a duty of care to the MMA

A Member shall:

  1. uphold the letter and spirit of this Professional Code of Conduct;
  2. safeguard and uphold the reputation of the profession and the MMA;
  3. bring to the attention of the MMA any apparent breach of this Professional Code of Conduct;
  4. assist the MMA in the enforcement of this Professional Code of Conduct.

For More information about enforcement of this Professional Code of Conduct – Download MMA By-law #2

Manitoba Municipal Administrators