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MMA Conference Trade Show – Regular Booth

The MMA Trade Show takes place September 8 2025

ALL coffee breaks and dessert following lunch will be offered in the Trade Show area.  Sponsor logos will be featured on the sponsor passport.  Every delegate will receive a sponsor passport, which aims to encourage their active engagement with all exhibitors.  By showcasing the sponsor logos on the passport, the sponsors also gain increased  visibility and recognition.  The passport serves not only as a record of delegates attendance, but also acts as an incentive for them to visit every exhibitor.

This approach fosters valuable networking opportunities and ensures the sponsors receive extensive exposure throughout the event.

Completed passports will be entered into a draw at the end of the day.  Draw will be held in the Trade Show room along with individual draws by exhibitors.


Booths are 7′ x 7′ and include 2 chairs, drape and lunch.


12 in stock

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