June 15 is the deadline for Tax Levy By-law to be filed with Province.
June 30 is the legislated deadline for the Audited Financial Statements to be filed with the Minister.
An auditor (appointed by the municipality by August 31st) must examine all information relating to the financial affairs. The auditor must submit a report to the head of council, and the Minister, by June 30 in the year following the fiscal year for which the audit is prepared.
The head of council must bring the auditor’s report at the first regular meeting of the council after receiving the report. After the report is received, public notice must be given that the report and the municipality’s financial statements are available for inspection.
If the auditor’s report or the council’s review of the report indicates that immediate action is required, council must:
(a) take such action as it considers necessary or advisable to address the matter; and
(b) advise the minister of the matter and the action it has taken or proposes to take.
We encourage council to invite the auditors to present the report and respond to questions from council.