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2024 MMA Memberships

The MMA has launched new membership levels.

1.     Student

2.     Retired

Please click on “Become a Member” to review eligibility for these membership levels.

To renew your membership, please click on “Become a Member” and choose your level of membership, or if you have multiple memberships to renew, choose the bulk membership option.

Bulk memberships will allow a discount when you buy 2 or more individual (registered or affiliate) memberships. This will generate coupon codes that can be sent to your email or directly to new or existing members.

To redeem these coupons and activate each of the individual memberships, each member will need to go through the purchasing process and enter coupon code at checkout. This action will credit your account and active your 2024 membership.

If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact the office at 204-255-4883 or email: ac.sr1739230562otart1739230562sinim1739230562dalap1739230562icinu1739230562m@ofn1739230562i1739230562

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