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MMA Announce Revolutionary Change – Press Release

Over the past year, the Manitoba Municipal Administrators (MMA) have been working strategically to empower and strengthen municipal government through the introduction of a new professional code of conduct and a formal complaint process and enforcement policy that will help keep municipal administrators accountable to standards of professional and ethical conduct. This change was brought about partially in response to high profile lawsuits filed by the Municipality of Gilbert Plains and City of Winnipeg against past Chief Administrative Officers (CAO).

Now, the association has a formal complaint process through which misconduct by professional administrators can be investigated, adjudicated, and enforced as needed through disciplinary action. This enforcement program was recently finalized and adopted by the MMA and is now able to accept and process formal complaints.

“Every day, Manitoba citizens entrust administrators with the management of their communities and the health and safety of their families. This is sacred trust and a great responsibility,” says Duane Nicol, President of the MMA and CAO, City of Selkirk. “We are stepping up, not only by strengthening our professional standards, but also providing a framework to hold members accountable to those standards. This represents a revolutionary change within our organization and a vital contribution to good governance in Manitoba.”

Over the past 10 years local governments have become more complex. Now, in addition to managing roads, water utilities, ditches, fire departments and recreation, they are on the front lines in dealing with social issues (affordable housing, homelessness and drug addiction) and adapting infrastructure and community services to mitigate the hazards of climate change. Much more is expected of elected officials and consequently the administrators that implement their vision, provide advice, and manage the delivery systems.

The MMA’s new member standards and accountability framework and policy elevates and evolves the professional standards of administrators. Just like other professions that have a duty to the public such as engineers, lawyers, and accountants, municipal administrators must demonstrate high ethical and professional standards, and they must be held accountable when they fail to meet those standards.

With 21 statements in the MMA’s new professional code of conduct, administrators have a clear duty of care to the public, their councils, each other, and their professional association. These standards establish clear guidelines for behavior and provide a framework for decision-making which helps to contribute to the credibility and trust of the profession, knowing that MMA members adhere to the highest standards of ethics and responsibility Manitobans deserve.

Manitoba Municipal Administrators